Monday, 9 April 2012

The Dozen

Eh-hem.  Although I have the slightest phobia of snails   slimey slimey, ugh, little creatures.  Mostly just picking them up like you guys do *snaring at the Googies*...I went out to the backyard today and found countless of them stuck on a tree.  Party perhaps? Muhahaaha.  Anyhow, (hold for Azaan).  Anyways, I know if you all were here you'd be doing your "AWWWWs"  so I made a video.  Now, do your Awwws.  

Amid it stands in poise. Beauty. 
Drop - Drop.

Just chillin'

Almost there little one.

Name: Stripes. 

Hobbies: this.

Stripes, cousin. Swirly.

In the middle.  It all just feels safe.

Sticking on.

I don't know what this is, but it's everywhere.


Flexible, eh.

Chop - chop.

From or To Vancouver...

The diamonds of nature.

Keep on keeping on.
Caught you in red, ha!
I'm in progress, Alhumdulillah.
Love me or love me not.  I'm worth it.
Goofy bystanders.  Just kidding.  Hi nieces.
I didn't know we had these.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...maybe later.
Water water in the tap.  Eh-hem.  I need water.

Feel free to leave a comment...
Fi Imaan Allah

1 comment:

  1. Dear, Stranger

    that was the cutest thing i have ever seen man!!!!!!!

    i love how u made the names for those little guys i like mr.Stripy!
