Sunday 8 July 2012

Priceless Lemonade

Assalam-o-alaikum Wa Rehmatullahi Wa Baraqatahu,

   Yesterday we held a garage sale.  The weather was very hot but we survived Alhamdulillah.  My nieces and nephew decided to take care of it all.  They collected a couple of their own items to sell.  They just wanted everything gone, they even sold the lemonade I made for them.  It was a surprising day but very very long and exhausting.  

الله حفظ 

Just the beginning....

This is just 6 AM...imagine. 

Mind the spelling mistake.  She didn't give me any so...

These guys earned more money being cute then actually selling something.


  1. ye to sirf aap jase brave people hi kr skte hain.
    keep it up .Allah RABB-UL-IZZAT apko aur himmat de.

  2. you should put Fayzaan's picture on your little blog.
    I liked your little picture you put on your blog and why did nanaboo sell his bike he should really keep it. okay why did that little thief take our lemonade ?

  3. JazakAllah Mahnoor. And that little thief is your little sister, buddy.
